
All posts tagged Boilers

Frozen condensate pipes

by admin on November 1, 2014 , No comments

Over the last few years, the UK has experienced some prolonged spells of cold and icy weather. This has resulted in a rise in the number of calls to heating engineers from householders with condensing (high efficiency) boilers, where the condensate drainage pipe has frozen and become blocked with ice.

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Why Do Boilers Break Down?

by admin on August 21, 2014 , No comments

Modern boilers are in general very reliable things, capable of quietly going about their business discretely and efficiently for many years. But they are also complex, engineered products and deserving of some care and attention.

Like a car, boilers should be serviced every year to ensure everything is as it should be. Not only will this allow any issues to be pre-empted, saving the heartache and inconvenience a breakdown can inevitably lead too,

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